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Privacy Policy



The site owner is :


The owner's web address is:

If you need to contact s-mck_webdesign in regards to privacy please contact via email:
(with ‘Privacy’ in the subject line)


As site owner, s-mck_webdesign is the data Controller for this site.


However, this site is built using the Wix platform meaning that data is handled and processed by Wix on behalf of s-mck_webdesign. 


This arrangement makes the data processor for this site.​



Data Collection

Data is collected based on the options and tools provided by Wix. This site uses a minimum of these tools + options to minimize data collection where possible.


Any data that is collected is  processed in accordance with Wix's data processing agreement:

And following Wix's Privacy Policy:


Where 3rd party tools/services are used, it is stated below. 


s-mckwebdesign does not further process or share any data.




This site uses the minimum number of cookies to function properly and when a non-essential cookie is used there is an option to decline it's use.



-Essential Cookies

These cookies enable core functionality such as security, verification of identity and network management. There are 11 functional cookies needed for this site, which can’t be disabled.

Details of essential cookies can be found here:


-Marketing Cookies (optional)

These cookies are used to track advertising effectiveness to provide a more relevant service and deliver better ads to suit visitor interests. Currently, no advertising or marketing campaigns are running on this site.


-Functional Cookies(optional)

These cookies collect data to remember choices visitors make to improve and give a more personalised experience. This can include things such as an online shop or members area of the site. Currently, these features have not been activated.


-Analytics Cookies(optional)

These cookies help us to understand how visitors interact with our website, discover errors and provide a better overall analytics. This site only use the basic analytics, which does not use analytics cookies. 


-Embedded content(optional)
This site uses the following embedded content:

google maps


provided by:


By clicking to load this emebedded content you agree that you are happy with Google's use of cookies when loading the content.


Google is a third party site which only handles data collected through google maps and not elsewhere on the site. For full details on data handled by Google see their privacy policy:



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